Parotid Cancer

The parotid gland is a large salivary gland in the cheek that extends in the deep tissues in front of the ear and behind the jaw. It has a duct that enters into the inside of the cheek. Most tumours in the parotid gland are benign such as pleomorphic adenoma. Other tumours include benign lesion such as Warthin’s tumour and also a wide range of malignant or cancerous lumps that may start in the salivary gland, or may have spread into lymph nodes within the glands such as from aggressive skin cancer. Treatment for most of these lumps is surgical and can vary significantly depending on the course of the lump. It is important to have a thorough work-up to help characterise the tumour so the most appropriate surgery can be done for the underlying problem.

Richmond Office

Suite 9.5 / 89 Bridge Rd

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed